Career Profile


Intern Software Developer

May 2017 - Present
MCIN, Montreal

Software developer to port research applications to CBRAIN

Teaching Assistant(Comp. Networks)

Jan 2017 - Apr 2017
Concordia University, Montreal

Assisted students with assignments and projects regarding computer networks.

Intern Software Developer

May 2016 - Oct 2016
Verge Comm., Montreal

Software developer for news publishing platfrom. Ported database from mySQL to mongoDB.


Few Projects

Reproducibility Pipeline - A framework to check the reproducibility of experiments in neuroscience pipelines.
Docker Images for Human Connectome Pipeline - Human Connectome preprocessing pipelines as docker images which can be used in any high performance computing platforms which supports docker.
Thesis Template with continous integration - Thesis template for Concordia University. The contionus integration using Travis makes sure that the tex file is compilable

Skills & Proficiency


Javascript & jQuery

Docker & Singularity

Machine Learning & Data Science


Big Data(Hadoop, Spark)